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When I saw the ads with masks and the Wehrmacht-clothes in SARS times - I thought it is a kind of overreaction - driven by a absolute unawarenes of history. Actually I found out that Bauhaus, Miss Sixty (I am not sure about that), i.t, b+ba, doublepark and IZZUE are the same company anyway and using that kind of adverstisment. Bauhaus itself is for me as an architect graduated at Bauhaus Weimar a place of highly modern education in terms of curriculum itself and political terms. Despite that, the Nazi regime was hunting behind the people of the Bauhaus movement, forced to close Weimar, Dessau and than Berlin. Knowing that, I found it highly desturbing to find engraved in the aluminium shelfs in Bauhaus stores: "Bauhaus, founded 1933" - that is the year Hitler was taking over power! That eclectic mixture of cliches and historical unawareness made me sending a complaint letter to Bauhaus stores already - like always here in HK unanswered. The next nail in that cofffin of my opinion about morality and historical knowledge in chinese culture was done today. Krif send me a link to BigWhiteGuy, who covers that story: and I couldn't believe my eyes: Warflags including SS-Runen (german lang. link) hanging in a store for advertising shirts. That sacrifices the death of 11 Mio. people in concentration camps as well as 55 Million people killed in world war 2. (more here and here. I still can't believe it. Are they totally insane? Discussing with my collegues and friends, what to do to fight them with their own weapons, I decided to go for the historical-unawareness vs. historical-unawareness. And you can be sure they will be found in HK in front of those shops.
So far, I already distributed some of the one underneath. I have some very catching and cruel one in the pipe. I have to think about it first.

... Link

Folgendes schrieb mir Marc (Dank für den Tip!)

  • Go to www.google.de then type: weapons of mass destruction
  • DO NOT press "Google Suche"!
  • Next click the button "Auf gut Glueck!"
  • read the error message carefully

Man sollte hier landen

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Diese Diskussion hatte ich vor circa 9 Monaten mit einer illustren Runde im Zug von Warschau nach Berlin - Feullitonisten der Zeit, der TAZ und einem Professor der Humbolt Universität. Essenz war: man kann es nicht öffentlich sagen da es durch die Öffentlichkeit falsch interpretiert werden würde - Tendenzen aber sind unverkennbar, Parallelen im Handel sehr deutlich. Deswegen hier ein Bild des Neuseeländischen Senders TV3:

Die Medien halfen ihm und hoffentlich warfen sie ihn bald. Was wir schon lange wussten wird immer deutlicher. Wann endlich zeigt ihr uns die Weapons of Math Instruction

... Link

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