Pumpkin Seed HQ
Monday, 23. February 2004
Dear Hong Kong compatriots:
Thank you for your enquiries on our product. 
We are that an advertisement in Shenzhen make the factory.
Hope that the information can bring convenience for you!

Speciality of our factory:
1. Making of color poster by spray 
2. Making of color page by printing  
Including all kinds of poster, outdoor and indoor Banner, etc.. 
Including all kinds of paper printing, catalogue, box, etc.. 
You can visit our home page www.szcolor.com for more information.
Welcome your quotation inquiry!

Mr. Liu
Shen Zhen Advertising Factory
Web: http://www.szcolor.com/
Tel: +86-0755-2622 0610
Fax: +86-0755-2620 2664
Mobile:  136-9198-4046
ICQ Number: 173161456    

Welcome to contact us !

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