Pumpkin Seed HQ
Tuesday, 26. February 2008


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Monday, 18. February 2008

One of New Zealands important events happens every morning and evening on the street: the courtesy traffic jam. As courtesy is a very deeply anchored concept in the heart of every Kiwi it is logical that the other one always comes first even if a big metal snake is following yourself. For outsiders this is an amusement with drivers waving franticly each other to let the other one take the turn. I really like the courtesy traffic jam, because it is so surreal and can even be quite effective.

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Sunday, 23. December 2007

to everybody. And yes we had an earth quake in Christchurch too, well sort off, I would call it a bus passing by which apparently isn't a bus at such a late time. Only question for me: why have I been awake so late. Have a nice christmas time!

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